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BASK Code of Conduct

To help BASK build and maintain a welcoming, diverse, inclusive, positive, and fun-loving paddling club, I will treat my fellow club members with respect and will strive to make all BASK members feel welcome and comfortable.

If I experience a problem with or feel disrespected by another BASK member, I will try to resolve the issue directly with them. If I prefer, I can take my concern to the BASK Code of Conduct Support Team or to any board member, who will, in turn, contact the Support Team.*

I understand that, in response, the Support Team may choose to investigate, mediate between members, and recommend additional steps to the BASK Board president. Taking action only when asked, the Support Team will act quickly, fairly, appropriately, and with as much confidentiality as possible. The president will inform the parties of possible consequences as well as when an investigation has concluded.

*BASK Board and Code of Conduct Support Team contact information is available in the members’ only section of the BASK website at

Approved by vote at BASK Planning Meeting on July 6, 2021